Are you saving enough for retirement?


Are you saving enough for retirement?
One in six over-55s have no pension savings yet

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Are you saving enough for retirement?
One in six over-55s have no pension savings yet

Despite the fact that the government has been trying to encourage people to save for their retirement through initiatives such as auto-enrolment, there are still too many Britons who have no pension savings at all. Research reveals that a fifth (20%) of people still have no pension savings at all, and people nearing retirement aren’t doing much better.

Even prior to the cost-of-living crisis there have been a number of reasons why this might be the case. For some people, they simply may not be aware of the need to save for retirement. Others may not have enough spare income to put into a pension pot after covering their essential living costs.

At least 17% of people in the UK aged 55 and over admit to having no pension savings (other than the State Pension), which is only slightly better than the average for Britons as a whole – 21% of whom say they have no private pensions.

How to use

Ideal to generate retirement planning business opportunities: Upload to your website; use content on your blog, email to clients and prospective clients, use on your social media channels. If you have previously ordered we’ll use your approved personalisation artwork, our Client Services Team will contact you to provide a high resolution artwork file (300 dpi or higher).

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