Guide to Building Financial Wealth


Guide to Building Financial Wealth
Six tried and trusted principles to help you reach your investment goals

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Guide to Building Financial Wealth
Six tried and trusted principles to help you reach your investment goals

This fully personalised 04-page guide explains the six tried and trusted principles to help investors reach their investment goals. The growth of savings and the power of compounding gives an enormous head start to those who can put money aside and invest in the early stages of their lives and careers – and building an investment portfolio is one proven way to grow money and wealth.

Every investor needs to ask themselves the same basic questions before getting started. You need to have a clear understanding of your investment goals. What are you trying to achieve? Are you looking for growth, income or both? How much risk are you willing to take on? You might be investing to have enough money for retirement, which could be decades away. But equally you could have shorter-term goals, too, like starting a family or buying a larger home.

What clients and prospective clients will read includes: Choosing the right investing strategy; Have a strategy and stick to it; Think twice before putting all of your money in cash; Diversify and always consider your investments as a whole; Start investing early if you can; ‘Activity bias’: the urge to ‘just do something’; No substitute for a strategy that’s tailored specifically for you.

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