Managing the impact on your pension
Just two out of five have planned for inflation in retirement
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Managing the impact on your pension
Just two out of five have planned for inflation in retirement
Retirement planning can be complex at the best of times, so it is easy to understand how some people can find it daunting to take into account factors like inflation. The reality is that inflation hurts everyone, but it can be especially harmful to retirees.
The current economic climate clearly illustrates just how important it is to consider the impact of inflation on your future retirement income and take proactive steps to manage this. As the consumer price inflation continues to reach historic highs, many over-55s who are either approaching retirement or have retired are facing an inflation shock as they try to manage their retirement income.
The importance of future proofing your finances is clearly moving up the agenda and when you compare retirees with those over-55s who are still working, you can see that the recent inflation shock has encouraged people to plan more carefully.
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