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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for Financial Services Companies

Improve visibility in search engines and generate more website visitors

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is important for financial services companies for various reasons. It helps to improve visibility in search engines, which can in turn lead to more website visitors and improve the click-through rate (CTR) from search engine results pages (SERPs), as well as the overall conversion rate of a website. SEO also helps to build brand awareness and credibility, both of which are important factors for any financial services company.

Ranking on the first page of Google results for search terms

On-page SEO is optimising individual web pages to rank higher in search engine results and drive more of the right type of prospective client traffic to your site. It is the practice of orienting your website to rank higher on a SERP so that you receive more traffic. The aim is typically to rank on the first page of Google results for search terms that mean the most to your target audience.

Off-Page SEO is the process of enhancing your site’s search engine rankings through activities outside of your website. This is primarily driven by backlinks, which help to build the site’s reputation. Backlinks are links from a page on one website to another. If someone links to your site, you have a backlink from them. If you link to another website, they have a backlink from you.

“95% of financial services SEO traffic goes to the first page of search results.”

Source: Semrush

Identifying relevant keywords with good search engine optimisation potential

Good SEO involves many activities, such as identifying relevant keywords with good search traffic potential, creating high-quality, helpful content and optimising it for search engines and users, including relevant links from high-quality sites and measuring the results.

When search engine users type their search term keywords (search queries, words and phrases) into a search engine, they’ll be presented with an array of options to choose from – your SEO competition. If you want to be at the top of that list, you need to ensure those relevant keywords match the great content on your website.

“53% of all trackable financial services propsective client website traffic comes from an organic search.”

Source: Search Engine Journal

Optimise your website with the perfect collection of keywords

For example, if prospective clients type in ‘retirement planning advice’ and your firm provides this area of advice, it’s imperative to create an SEO keyword match.

Once the content on your website is optimised with the perfect collection of keywords, Google and other search engines will add you into the SEO competition by ranking your website or web page.

Key factors that determine which results are returned for a search

Hundreds of factors go into what content from the index gets displayed on a SERP. However, five key factors determine which results are returned for a search query. These are: 1) the meaning of the query; 2) relevance of web pages; 3) quality of the content; 4) usability of web pages; and 5) context and settings.

By optimising each web page, you will significantly improve your website’s chances of ranking well in search engine results when a prospective client is looking for advice.

Want to improve your firms website SEO results?

By following these tips, your firm can improve your SEO results and in turn increase your online visibility, website traffic and conversion rates. Our Business Team is available to discuss your firms website requirements, contact Goldmine Media on 0845 686 0055, or email:

Jan Conrad, SEO Consultant,
Goldmine Media

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